Featuring a variety of sections tailored to address key aspects of academic, personal, and professional development, The Guide is your go-to companion for success in high school, career, and college planning.
Click below to explore each section in detail and unlock a wealth of knowledge to empower your journey.
The data are populated from Aspen, Naviance, and the postsecondary surveys.
The guide reflects your academic progress as of February 2024. While some details may have changed, this information serves as a starting point for discussions at home and in school about academic goals and planning for the future. Visit the Parent and Student Portal to view your student’s most recent attendance, grades, and credits at https://dcps.dc.gov/page/parent-portal.
The digital versions are available on Aspen. Students can access Aspen through their Clever account. For more information about how to access and navigate the Parent & Student Portal visit https://dcps.dc.gov/page/parent-portal.
The Guide will be available to seniors in the Fall and students in grades 9-11 in the Spring semester.
The guide is available in Amharic, Chinese, English, French, Spanish, and Vietnamese. Every family will also receive a copy in English.
Please email DCPSguide@k12.dc.gov and contact your counselor. Your school counselor will have your most up-to-date information.
Your Parent/Guardian, Counselors, College and Career Coordinators, Teachers, and School Administrators can view your Guide in Aspen. Additionally, school-based partner organizations who are serving DCPS students and have signed a Data Security Pledge will also have access, but only to the specific students they serve.
– For students: You can go to your Aspen and Naviance portal for the most up-to-date information. You may also connect with your counselor.
– For parents: You may visit the Aspen Parent Portal at https://dcps.dc.gov/page/parent-portal
For additional resources, please visit: https://dcpsgoestocollege.org/guide-resources/understanding-the-guide/
You should reach out to the counselor or college and career coordinator listed on the opening page of the Guide. General questions about the Guide may be directed to DCPSguide@k12.dc.gov.
Community Service Hours | The number of community service hours on the Guide reflects the completed number of hours by the student and documented by the school at the time the data was pulled. |
Grade | The student’s grade level as it is listed in Aspen based on the number of credits they have earned and key classes passed, including English and Algebra II. |
ISA (In Seat Attendance) | The percentage of school days a student is present at school. This includes both excused and unexcused absences but does not include days missed for school activities, in-school suspension, or when a student is receiving services through the Home and Hospital Instruction Program (HHIP). Every day counts! |
PSAT | A standardized test that helps prepare students for the SAT and covers reading, writing/language, and math. Scores range from 240-1520 depending on the version of the test. DCPS students take the PSAT 8/9 in 9th grade and PSAT/NMSQT in 10th-11th grades. |
SAT | A standardized test used by colleges and universities as one of many factors to determine whether a student will be admitted. Scores range from 400 to 1600, with 1010 considered college and career ready. DCPS students take the in-school SAT in the Spring of 11th grade and the Fall of 12th grade. |
Weighted GPA | The number that accounts for the student’s class grades and the difficulty of the courses taken. A weighted GPA may exceed a 4.0 if a student is enrolled in Advanced Placement or honors courses. In contrast, an unweighted GPA is on a 4.0 scale and does not consider the difficulty of courses. This Guide uses Weighted GPA. |