How to Roll out Guide to Graduation, College, and Career
Welcome to our comprehensive guide roll-out page! Here, you’ll find suggested steps and best practices for effectively sharing The Guide with your students. From planning events and coordinating with your team to final distribution, we provide the tools and resources you need for a successful roll-out.
Goals of The Guide Roll Out:
- Students, staff, and families know that this resource is coming and know to look out for it in their email and on Aspen.
- Students and families know where to go when they have a question or want to discuss The Guide.
- The Guide is incorporated into existing opportunities to talk about graduation, college, and career with students and families.
Recommended Points of Contact:
- College and Career Coordinator
- Counselors
- Pathways Coordinator
- Family Engagement Committee
- NAF Coordinators
- Case Managers
School-based Partners
Leveraging your school-based partners is a great way to address limited capacity in your staff, and help partners align their work to school goals. Partners can access the guide if they complete a data security pledge. They can reach out to for more information. We’ve engaged several partners on the guide already:
- College Success Foundation
- Life Pieces to Masterpieces
- Asian American LEAD
- Reach Incorporated
- BUILD Metro DC
Engagement Events
What events do you already have on the calendar where you could introduce or highlight The Guide? We’re happy to collaborate with you on content/support for events. Reach out to
- College Night
- PTA/PTO Meetings
- LSAT Meetings
- Principal Coffee
- Parent Teacher Conference Day (May 28)
- Athletic Events and Student Performances (set up a table with resources at check in)
School Activities:
What opportunities do you have to build the guide in to your school day?
- Homeroom or Advisory
- Peer Forward
- Push into classrooms
- Counselor office hours
- SAT Prep Class (post-SAT date)
- After-school clubs and activities
- Parent Resource Center
Leverage your communication channels to share Guide information and resources with families and students. We’ve included some sample language in the resources below.
- Email newsletter
- Text and Robocall campaign
- Social Media posts (photos of students using the guide!)
- Parent Listservs
- LSAT Newsletter (reach out to your Community Action Team coordinator)
- School Website
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