Are you thinking about college? Start here to learn how to prepare for and pay for your education beyond high school and use the navigation on the right for detailed information.
The DCPS Student Guide to Graduation, Career, and College is an individualized document that provides students and families step-by-step guidance on graduation, college, and career pathways. Featuring a variety of sections tailored to address key aspects of academic, personal, and professional development, The Guide is your go-to companion for success in high school, career, and college planning.
12th Graders receive The Guide in the Fall, while 9th – 11th graders receive The Guide in the Spring.
Colleges care about which courses you take in high school. DCPS students are eligible to sign up for Dual enrollment and early college programs at participating colleges in the area. Check out the Dual Enrollment page for information on how to sign-up.
Most colleges require students to submit ACT or SAT scores, while some selective schools may also require additional SAT subject tests. Check out the DCPS SAT page for upcoming SAT exams and preparation for DCPS students.
College is an investment but don’t assume it is out of reach. The cost of college varies but there is financial aid available. Check out the Resources/Toolkit page for information on the various types of financial aid available.
You’ll apply to college in the Fall of your senior year and starting early gives you an edge! Many schools offer Early Action or Early Decision, which can boost your chances of being accepted and in securing financial aid sooner.
Once accepted into college, you will receive a financial aid award letter. Use the DCPS Award letter calculator to compare your award letters and analyze the cost of college. This is so important to do to ensure you and your family aren’t taking on a lot of unnecessary debt.
Finding the right college is about what fits you best. Be sure to consider academics, cost, campus life, and career opportunities. Visit campuses, talk to students, and trust your instincts. Check out our Post-Application Steps page for tips to make the best decision!