General Frequently Asked Questions

Where did the student data on the guide come from?
The data are populated from Aspen, Naviance, and the postsecondary surveys.
Where can I find the digital version of the Guide?
The digital versions are available on Aspen. For more information about how to access and navigate the portal visit
How often will I receive the Guide?
The Guide will be available to seniors in the fall and students in grades 9-11 in the spring semester.
What languages will the Guide be available in?
The guide is available in Amharic, Chinese, English, French, Spanish, and Vietnamese. Every family will also receive a copy in English.
What should I do if there’s incorrect information on my Guide?
Please email and contact your counselor. Your school counselor will have your most up to date information.
Who has access to my Guide?
Counselors, College and Career Coordinators, Teachers, and School Administrators. Additionally, school-based partner organizations who are serving DCPS students and have signed a Data Security Pledge will also have access, but only to the specific students they serve.